MapObjects to the Rescue

We’ve pretty much just finished up a rush job given to us by a client to create a tool to allow planners to see where constraints (man-made and natural) are located on their property. This had to be done in such a quick time we were really concerned how we’d be able to pull it off. Thank God for Map Objects. I’ve always like the object model in MO and how easy and quickly one can develop applications. I’ve lost count on home many MO and MOLT. It is a shame these products are being “phased” out as ESRI transitions to ArcGIS Engine/ArcObjects. Dealing with COM and .NET in the same application is a mess sometimes, so I can understand why MO is being put on the back burner. There are many of us who really cut our teeth on GIS programming using MO and even Avenue over the years and there has to be a point that one walks away from these two “development environments” but if I have any say over it I’ll still be using both (especially MO and MOLT) for years to come.

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